I’m Nasikun,
an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia). My research is mainly in the area of geometry data processing and mixed reality (virtual reality and augmented reality). My works are published in top-tier journals in computer graphics, such as ACM Transactions on Graphics and Eurographics’ Computer Graphics Forum; and presented at top-level conference proceedings including ACM Siggraph, Eurographics, and Eurographics’ Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP).
I obtained my Ph.D. from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof. Elmar Eisemann and Assist. Prof. Klaus Hildebrandt. My research on PhD was about spectral analysis for geometry processing. My master’s degree is from Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea, under the supervision of Prof. Myung-Soo Kim. My thesis work was about 3D Printing for Deformable Objects. I studied for my undergraduate degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada with a thesis on the simulation of autonomous UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles).
Research interests: Geometry Processing; Virtual Reality (Mixed Reality)
Contact: ahmad.nasikun[at]ugm.ac.id
Selected Publications:
- Wiersma, R., Nasikun, A., Eisemann, E., & Hildebrandt, K. (2023, July). A Fast Geometric Multigrid Method for Curved Surfaces. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-11).
- Wiersma, R., Nasikun, A., Eisemann, E., & Hildebrandt, K. (2022). Deltaconv: anisotropic operators for geometric deep learning on point clouds. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 41(4), 1-10.
- Nasikun, A., & Hildebrandt, K. (2022). The hierarchical subspace iteration method for Laplace–Beltrami eigenproblems. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 41(2), 1-14.
- Nasikun, A., Brandt, C., & Hildebrandt, K. (2020, May). Locally supported tangential vector, n‐vector, and tensor fields. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 203-217).
- Nasikun, A., Brandt, C., & Hildebrandt, K. (2018, August). Fast Approximation of Laplace‐Beltrami Eigenproblems. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 121-134).
Selected Projects:
- Revisiting Ways of Work: Merumuskan Cara Kerja Masa Depan di Organisasi Sektor Publik. (2023). RisPro Invitasi LPDP.
- Purwarupa Pameran Virtual dengan Teknologi Imersif Virtual Reality dan Augmented Reality. (2023). Hibah Fakulktas Teknik UGM.
- Navigasi dan Interaksi pada Teknologi Imersif Virtual Reality dalam Pembelajaran Abjad Hangeul Bahasa Korea. (2023). Hibah Doktor Muda. Direktorat Penenitian UGM.
- Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Pelafalan Bahasa Korea dengan Teknologi Imersif Virtual Reality sebagai Anggota. (2023). Hibah Doktor Muda. Direktorat Penenitian UGM.
- Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Virtual Reality Untuk Pengenalan dan Pelestarian Warisan Budaya Nasional. (2023). Hibah Departemen. Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi UGM.
- Software Penapis Konten Negatif Berbasis Web (SecSurf). (2017). Kominfo (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika).